Monday, March 21, 2011

Justin Bieber nail polish

So who would've thought that even Justin Bieber would have his own collection of OPI nail polishes? I guess teenage girls would go gaga over it (if they haven't already.. okay I'm pretty sure that happened already). I mean even I wanted to get one just for fun! :) I got this one a while back (so excuse the dust that have gathered on the bottle) hahaa..  

 I got mine at my local Shoppers Drug Mart. They didn't have many choices since they were snatched up pretty quickly! But I had my eye on this colour from the beginning and turns out I got the last one! so hooray for me! This one is called "My Lifesaver". For the complete One Less Lonely Girl collection see their website

Here's how it looks on: 
Pretty cute and true to the colour you see in the bottle. I've noticed OPI or maybe just Nicole by OPI is introducing a new "perfect stroke brush". Which essentially is a fatter brush so you don't need to make as many strokes as before. The brush for mine had a bit of a flaw because some of the hairs were longer than they should've been, but if you do two coats then the unevenness is not noticeable. I actually kind of prefer the fatter brush since I haven't had great experiences with the thinner OPI brushes anyways. I was pleasantly surprised how quickly it dried since my other OPI polishes take quite long and that's one of the main reason why I prefer essie nail polishes more. All in all, I'm happy with the colour, the new brush, and how fast this one dried :) 

Maybe its time I go out and get some more! :O wooohooooooo......

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Skoah products

Last year I got a gift card to Skoah which is one of many spa places in Vancouver. I've never been to a spa before so I'm not the best person to recommend where people should go, but the feel of Skoah is less commercialized then the other ones I've looked in to. To be honest with all the group buy coupons out their for spas I'm pretty sure I'll try a few other places before going to Skoah again. However, I must say the service at the Yaletown one is amazing! The girl who gave me my facial was awesome and didn't hard sell me into buying products afterwards, but I loved the cleanser she was using on me so much so that I had to get it! If you have dry skin you'll probably like this too!

I've tried many cleansers in the past - some were meh, some were too drying, and others were good but didn't do as good of a job after my skin got used to it. I thought I was cursed at this point... haha.. Luckily, the one from Skoah didn't disappoint. It's very refreshing (with its cucumber scent) and its oh so moisturizing formula. In fact, the product looks like a moisturizure and feels like one against my face. Although, those attributes are nothing special, the way it leaves my skin feeling is! My face feels so smooth and soft after using it. I've been using it ever since I got it. It's been more than half a year now and the love affair is still going strong! <3 The bottle is $25 which isn't too bad considering how long its lasted. I'm thinking of replenishing already - that's how much I love it! ;) it's called Kleansing Lotion.  

On the same visit I also got a toner. I've never used toners in the past simply because I never saw a need for one, but the girl was saying how it balances the pH in your skin so I gave it a try. I got the one she was using on me its called Tonik. The bottle is pretty much the same at the cleanser (seen above) but with a spray rather than the pump. Apparently balancing the pH prevents your skin from being too acidic causing flaking or too alkaline causing breakouts - info from their website. To be honest I've been using this toner for a while now and I've had times where my skin was flaky, but that could be a combination of my not so very hydrating night cream. I'm not sure if I'll be repurchasing but we'll see when I have no more and if my face misses it or not.  peace out :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Takoyaki goodness

Mmm... takoyaki! I just love making these not to mention EATING THEM!!! they're amazing - just the perfect combination of textures and flavours in my mouth.. nom nom nom!!! I've been on the search high and low for a takoyaki machine (for a good deal) for the pass year and a half! Finally my wish was answered! The Japanese convenient store on Robson (Konbiniya) was having their anniversary sale and the takoyaki machine was 50% off! Here's the catch - they only sold 5 every Saturday of that one month and believe you me there were A LOT of people who wanted to get it. Cut throat competition! My friend went there to line up at least one hour before the store opened but there were already more then 5 people waiting in line. So the next Saturday she went there even earlier. When I got there I saw her and her sister already in line! Turns out she brought her sister along so she can get one for herself and one for me.. so thoughtful! you know when you have a good friend when______. kind of a moment! :) Every time I think of the good deal we got I always say "that was the best $20 I have EVER spent"! Definitely well worth it if you love takoyaki!!!

Here are some pictures of the takoyaki we made for dinner last night: 

The machine all ready to go :) 

 The batter cooking! my sister put Char Siu in some of them :D


TADA! super delicious

We were surprised just how easy it was to make! No more waiting for night market to roll around before we can sink our teeth into some good octopus puffs (I try to avoid calling them octopus balls because people seem to always get the wrong idea). I don't blame them I guess ;p

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jello pop

So I was recommended this drink and I must say it's pretty cool! Before you open the can you have to shake it hard a few times to break up the jello inside. It's like drinking jello that fizzy... quite different and interesting for the taste buds! :) Can be found at T&T supermarkets and it comes in two flavors: lemon and orange.  Here are some pics of the can and the drink. 

                                         Love how the cat is demonstrating the shaking...

To bad you can't really see the jello in this pic :( I think I over shook it this time..

I recommend the orange flavor! I thought the lemon one was okay but not as good as the orange. Any awesome drinks out there I should know about? Leave me a comment! I think it's time to explore ;) 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Peanut butter cup cookies

These little things are absolutely amazing! I can probably pop them in my mouth all day long but then I guess I wouldn't want to be talking with my mouth full all the time. hahaha.. Anyways, they are super easy to make and will for sure be a hit if peanut butter cups is your thing. I first saw this on a magazine cover and though to myself "I totally have to make these for Easter"! It's perfect since those mini Reese's peanut butter cups aren't available year round, but Easter is one of those times where they ARE around. Coincidence? I think not! ;) Besides, the finished product looks like mini baskets.. no? If you add something for the handle I guess..

here's a picture of the ones I made awhile back! Notice the one with mini eggs.. yummm.. I can taste them already! Can't wait to make these again :9 

Recipe can be found on Seriously worth giving it a try!


Welcome to my blog! :)

Here I will be sharing recipes and doing make up reviews and everything else that's worth mentioning. I've been baking in my free time for as long as I can remember. As a kid I loved watching my mom bake and being her little assistant. When I was old enough to not have to tippy toe to reach over the kitchen counter was when the real fun began! I started baking all sorts of goodies and my friends labeled be as the baker. Which to be honest, I'm quite proud of. 

I'm a semi-artsy perfectionist which means I'm kind of artsy but not talented enough to make a living from it. Just enough to make me want to bake pretty things and to create looks that are fresh and enhances my features. I have tried many make up and skincare products (more than I can count), some that I love and some that I would warn you against - so follow me and I'll show you how glaziecakes does it <3